Becoming a successful Realtor means you need to figure out how to truly impress your clients. There are several ways to go about making sure you “wow” your clients and set yourself apart from the competition.

When your clients are impressed with the work you have done for them, they will send you plenty of referrals and will come back to you with all their real estate needs in the future. Here are 8 ways you can become one of the best Realtors and impress your clients.

Refer Them to Business You Trust


As a Realtor, you’ll likely work with several clients new to your city. They will need many other professional services, but won’t know who to trust or where to turn.

Keep a list of the best business services in your area and refer your clients to these businesses.

Even a simple recommendation of a great local restaurant may go a long way to impressing your clients. Local service providers can certainly help you to impress your clients. Just be sure you only refer clients to businesses you truly trust and you use for your own needs.

Help Your Client’s Business, Too

If your client runs a business of their own or works in a position that makes sense for referrals, send them customers. If they offer a service you need, become a client of theirs. 

When you send business to your client, it will help to deepen your business relationship. You will be able to better appreciate the work they do and they will appreciate you sending work their way.

Listen & Act 

As you work with a new client, listen to what they like and enjoy. This information will come in handy later on when it’s time to send a housewarming gift. 

If you learn from listening that your client and their family love going out to the movies on Friday nights, gift them movie tickets and a bucket of popcorn for the family. By figuring out what they enjoy and sending some type of personal housewarming gift, you’ll show your client you were listening and you care

Recognize/Remember Holidays, Birthdays, & Other Occasions

A simple card won’t due as a client’s dentist will send a generic card on their birthday. As a Realtor looking to “wow” your clients, send a personalized, hand-written card you picked out for them. 

Make notes of any birthdays and special occasions in their lives and send a card. Take the time to choose a card specifically for them and avoid the generic cards that come in packs of a dozen or more. 

When holidays roll around, send a card, as well. Most businesses will send cards during the Christmas season, but not many will send cards for July 4th, Thanksgiving, Easter, and other holidays your clients may celebrate.

Pizza is the International Language of Moving Day

We, as humans, have been offering up pizzas and ordering pizzas on moving day for a very long time. As a Realtor, you can continue the tradition by showing up on moving day with pizza.

Make sure you take special care to find out what everybody likes and don’t just guess. Showing up with the right pizzas to make everybody happy on moving day will show how much you care for your clients.  Of course, right now, having it delivered instead of personally showing up will still be appreciated.

Provide a Community Tour

You know the community inside and out, but a client relocating to the area may have no idea where the nearest grocery store is or where the best attractions are located. A community tour may put things over the top and truly “wow” your clients.

Whether you provide the community tour yourself or you have an assistant handling it, make sure it’s more than just a generic tour. Go above and beyond to show your clients around the community and even customize the tour to fit their specific needs/wants.

Offer Client Perks

Some Realtors go above and beyond by offering specific perks for clients to use when they move into a new home. Perks, such as a free moving truck (it can be branded to your business), a margarita machine, or a bounce house can really set you apart from your competition.

You can offer a free professional cleaning service for all new listings to help get their home ready for showings. Think about what your clients may need/want when selling a home or moving into a new home and help provide it.

Make Introductions


When possible, make introductions between your clients and people you know within the community. If you overhear your client is looking for a new personal trainer, introduce them to your trainer or a trainer you know.

You will be spending quite a bit of time with each client if you’re doing your job. When you listen, you’ll be surprised how many opportunities you may gain to introduce clients to other people in the community. 

Even if your client hasn’t specifically mentioned they need/want a service within the community, introduce them anyway. If you happen to be out and about with your client and you run into someone you know, introduce them. You never know when you’ll be the reason why two people connect as friends or as business associates.

There are many ways to impress your clients as a Realtor. Sometimes, you just have to perk up your ears, pay attention, take notes, and remember what’s important to your clients.

Welcome baskets, local restaurants gift cards, help with moving, community introductions, local attraction tickets, memberships, and so many other things can show how much you care. While all of these things may be nice and impressive, the most impressive thing a Realtor can do is listen, remember, and genuinely show they care.


This article was written prior to the coronavirus outbreak.  The ideas are still useful and can be accomplished without being physically present.  For example, you can make a video of a community tour and have it available to share with multiple clients. 

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