It’s no secret, blogging is one of the best forms of long-term marketing for real estate agents. You post a blog today and it can bring you website traffic for the next ten years or even longer. Plus, blog posts give you something helpful to share on social media channels.
If you’re not already blogging, you should start. Sure, you might think it takes up too much time or it’s too expensive to pay someone to write for you. However, it’s well worth the time or money invested. Just imagine, if you could pay someone $50 per blog post and those blogs generate one listing over the lifetime of the blog. Would it be worth spending the $50?
Blog posts give you ongoing marketing you cannot get in any other way. You pay a writer once or you write a blog post once and it can help with marketing for a very long time. Other online advertising options require you to add more money to the budget to keep them going.
There are a ton of benefits to regular blogging, but how do you come up with new blog topics? Real estate blog topics can cover a variety of things. There are many great ways to come up with blog topics to post. Let’s look at some of the top ways to find real estate blog topics you can write about.
5 Fast and Easy Ways to Find Real Estate Blog Topics
1. Check Out Other Real Estate Agents
While you certainly don’t want to copy the work of other agents, you can use their blog posts as inspiration. It’s best to look at agents in other markets to get ideas of what you can write about in your market. Then, you can use the topics as a way to capture leads throughout your market.
Many bloggers use other bloggers for inspiration. You might be working in the Dallas market as an agent and you find a real estate blog in Florida that talks about events in the area, attractions, and other topics. Take that as inspiration to write about those things in your markets.
2. Cover Real Estate Finance Topics
Many buyers and sellers don’t understand all the nuances of real estate finance. There are a ton of great topics you can cover on finance. Blog about saving for the down payment, hidden costs are often forgotten about by buyers and sellers, and all kinds of other financial topics.
You can use other websites that cover these types of topics for research, as well. In fact, if you link to those sites as sources, it can help your website’s overall search engine optimization.
3. Write About Local Topics
Yes, you are a real estate agent and you should focus on real estate topics, but there’s so much more to write about. You can write about local topics, such as new restaurants opening up, upcoming events, and so much more. This can allow you to capture potential buyers and sellers before they are ready to buy or sell.
While you certainly want hot leads ready to buy and sell, it’s important to look at blogging as a long-term strategy. By writing about local topics, you can attract traffic from future buyers and sellers and help them become familiar with you now.
4. Blog About Company News
While you might not have a ton of news related to you or your business that often when you do, blog about it. If you’re looking to hire or you’re expanding your business, write about it. Even if it’s something as simple as sponsoring a community event, it can turn into a great blog post.
5. Spotlight Businesses and Communities
A great option for your blog posts is spotlights. You can spotlight local restaurants, neighborhoods, businesses, schools, and more. These posts can help gather traffic to your website, but also provide something useful for your potential target market.
Spotlighting a community can help you help those that might be moving into the area. You can talk about what the community offers, where the shopping and dining are found, and the types of houses found in the community.
There are many ways to come up with a huge list of real estate blog topics. If you want to take advantage of this incredible long-term marketing strategy, find a good real estate writer and start posting to your blog at least once per week, if not more.